About me


Contact: LoveMoreToDo{at}bowibit{dot}de

Short German CV

30++ years experience as a professional t-shaped engineer, synergist and as a certified software architect - in roles like company owner, freelancer and employee.

Lately being busy in migrating the central billing software of a telecom provider to modern standards - and contributing to a complex federal microservice grid in Germany as a senior developer at large - writing services with the Java Enterprise tool chain.

Inside the company I work for , as a lead coach, I train beginners and managers in IT related topics, especially about resilience and stress tolerance (“Developer survival guide for corporate environments”).

Being at least familiar or proficient with most if not all functional and procedural languages in the Tiobe-Top-20 index and many of the Top-50-ies. Beside current CI/CD-tools.

Aquired these skills in building software solutions on all scales for

Preferences? I love Clojure, Common Lisp, Rust, Python, Swift, C++, Zig, Haskell … (in that order). Perl and Ruby are long-time sidekicks but now outdated, C++ since it was created by Stroustrup in the 1980s. Today I’ rather use Rust …

Lisp-dialects I like the best - since working with AutoLisp in the 1980s.

Sorry, C# and Java … Written hundreds of thousands of lines in it. Been there, done that. Even COBOL has more charme for me today.

Started the software craftsmanship career in experimental physics and technical informatics. A passionate commitment in the scientific mindset drives me ever since.

I absolutely prefer working with Open Source tools and applications and support privacy compliant solutions over convenient ones.

In my freetime I love doing projects like this website, writing extensions and utilities for my lab computer’s software, stuffing even more smart devices into my home, while torturing a plethora of Raspberry Pi and bigger computers (driven by Linux or OS X) in my home “lab”.

My mobile phones run de’google’d with GrapheneOS - or iOS.

To monitor my fitness I use a smartwatch to count the steps and heartbeats. After trying gazillions of gadgets (from Fitbit to Samsung to Pine Watch etc. pp.), I ha… ehm love my Apple Watch Ultra, this old mean relentless slave-driver.

Don’t look for me on Facebook, X (r.i.p. Twitter) , LinkedIn and other social media (sorry Bluesky, I know you’re up for good)…

I have no accounts there anymore after investing a lot of time over decades, I like to spend my precious remaining average life time span in other ways.

Who wants to chat with me should learn about tools like Jitsi, Signal, Threema or look on matrix.org.

Especially no WhatsApp contacts wanted. Nor MS-Windows-only based software to be written. Thank you.

Sincerely, B: